Learn how to take cougars with modern methods, and modern technology!

Hunting cougars with an electronic predator caller can be an extremely effective and rewarding pursuit. Learn how you can successfully call in cougars by downloading my how-to video (coming Soon!), and using my custom sound files!

Baiting cougars is the most efficient and scalable method for harvesting cougars. The common misconception that cougars will only eat what they kill is completely false. Download my how-to video (coming soon) to find out exactly why that is and how to capitalize on this vulnerability to consistently kill cougars.

Thermal Spot-and-Stalk
Cougars are the hardest animals to spot with traditional optics, but with Thermal technology, and a well thought out strategy you can enjoy one of the best hunts available in North America while doing our declining ungulate herds a great service.